Fantasy booking a new iPad

While I wait for all the xOS updates today, I have been thinking about the role of technology in my life, and I wanted to think about how I can make sure it continues to work for me rather than the other way around.

My first realization was that I think I am using my phone way more than I need to or even want to. I installed a bunch of work apps on it. Why? Habit, I think. I don’t need Excel on my phone just because I use it at work. I need to consider apps per form factor more than just installing the apps I use on every device I have.

That said, I started sort of fantasy booking my ideal device. I started envisioning an iPad Mini Pro. Same form factor as today, but an M-series chip (I mean, why not), and that beautiful tandem OLED screen, with support for Apple Pencil Pro (bonus marks for support of all the Pencils). It would be even greater if the screen somehow enabled a paper feel without sacrificing the beautiful display, but I think that a device like this would be incredible. Hyperportable, notebook-like in size and ability, capable, and great for media consumption.

Maybe October?

HeyScottyJ @heyscottyj