I am loving using the iOS 14 widgets to keep a clear eye on my day, and with Charty and its (beta) widgets and data views, I have been able to craft iOS Shortcuts that display really useful data on my homescreen.

I have two charts that I love, each drawing on my OmniFocus data to quickly display useful things:
- OmniDay: this uses the data view to give me a list of counts of actions I need to be on top of. The Shortcut that generates this chart can be downloaded here.
- 🚀 Action, a total of:
- ⏰ Due actions available
- 🎏 Flagged actions available
- ⭐️ Forecast-tagged actions available
- ☑️ Completed items today
- OmniWeek: this graphs a chart of actions completed today (☆), and in the six previous days leading up to today. The Shortcut that generates this chart can be downloaded here.
With these charts generated, it’s a matter of adding the Charty widgets to a home screen. For bonus marks, I made a third Shortcut called “Refresh Charts”, which just runs the two shortcuts above. I added it as a widget in a stack “behind” the OmniDay data, ensuring I can always quickly update the views.
I hope someone finds this useful and enjoys! Would love to hear what folks think.